Pure Virtual Method Called in Derived Class Player: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Nikos - hkhazo.biz.id

Pure Virtual Method Called in Derived Class Player: A Comprehensive Guide

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What is a Pure Virtual Method?

A pure virtual method is a member function of a base class that must be implemented by any derived classes. It is declared in the base class using a pure specifier (= 0) and has no implementation. The purpose of a pure virtual method is to define an interface that must be supported by any derived classes. In other words, it’s a way to say “Hey, I don’t know how to do this, but you must know how to do it!”

The Problem: Pure Virtual Method Called in Derived Class Player

So, what happens when a pure virtual method is called in a derived class, say, Player? Well, it’s a recipe for disaster! The program will terminate with a runtime error, and you’ll be left scratching your head, wondering what went wrong.

Here’s an example to illustrate the problem:

class Game {
    virtual void play() = 0; // Pure virtual method

class Player : public Game {
    void play() {
        // Some implementation

int main() {
    Player player;
    Game* game = &player;
    game->play(); // BOOM! Pure virtual method called
    return 0;

As you can see, the `play()` method is declared as pure virtual in the `Game` base class, and the `Player` class provides an implementation for it. However, when we call the `play()` method through a pointer to the `Game` base class, the program crashes.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason for this behavior is that the pure virtual method is called through a pointer to the base class, which doesn’t know anything about the derived class’s implementation. The base class only knows that it has a pure virtual method that must be implemented by any derived classes.

When the program tries to call the pure virtual method through the base class pointer, it doesn’t know which derived class’s implementation to call. This is because the base class doesn’t have any knowledge of the derived classes that inherit from it.

Solution: Implement the Pure Virtual Method in the Derived Class

So, how do we solve this problem? The solution is simple: implement the pure virtual method in the derived class! Yes, it’s that straightforward.

Here’s the corrected code:

class Game {
    virtual void play() = 0; // Pure virtual method

class Player : public Game {
    void play() override {
        // Some implementation

int main() {
    Player player;
    player.play(); // Works like a charm!
    return 0;

Notice the `override` keyword in the `Player` class? That’s not necessary, but it’s a good practice to use it to indicate that you’re overriding a virtual method from the base class.

Best Practices for Using Pure Virtual Methods

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using pure virtual methods:

  • Declare pure virtual methods only in the base class: Pure virtual methods should only be declared in the base class, and not in any derived classes.
  • Implement pure virtual methods in derived classes: Derived classes must implement the pure virtual methods declared in the base class.
  • Avoid calling pure virtual methods through base class pointers: Try to avoid calling pure virtual methods through pointers to the base class, as this can lead to runtime errors.
  • Use the override keyword: Use the `override` keyword to indicate that you’re overriding a virtual method from the base class.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when using pure virtual methods:

  1. Failing to implement the pure virtual method in the derived class: If you forget to implement the pure virtual method in the derived class, you’ll get a compiler error.
  2. Calling the pure virtual method through a base class pointer: As we saw earlier, calling a pure virtual method through a base class pointer can lead to runtime errors.
  3. Not using the override keyword: Failing to use the `override` keyword can lead to subtle bugs and make it harder to maintain your code.


In conclusion, pure virtual methods are a powerful tool in object-oriented programming, but they can be tricky to use correctly. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your code is robust and maintainable.

Remember, a pure virtual method is a contract between the base class and the derived classes, and it’s essential to implement it correctly to avoid runtime errors. So, the next time you encounter a pure virtual method called in a derived class, you’ll know exactly what to do!

Keyword Explanation
Pure Virtual Method A member function of a base class that must be implemented by any derived classes.
Derived Class A class that inherits from a base class.
Override A keyword used to indicate that a virtual method is being overridden in a derived class.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with the error “Pure virtual method called in derived class Player”? Worry not, fellow programmer! We’ve got you covered.

What does “Pure virtual method called in derived class Player” even mean?

It means you’ve declared a pure virtual function in your base class, but didn’t implement it in the derived class Player. The compiler is complaining because you’re trying to call a method that doesn’t exist!

Why do I get this error if I’ve already implemented the method in the derived class?

Hey, don’t get defensive! Check if you’ve used the correct function signature, including the same return type and parameter list. If you’ve got a typo or mismatch, the compiler won’t recognize it as an implementation of the pure virtual method.

Can I still call a pure virtual method from the constructor of the base class?

Nope! It’s a no-no. When the base class constructor is called, the derived class hasn’t been constructed yet, so you can’t call its methods. You’ll get this error because the pure virtual method hasn’t been implemented yet.

How do I fix this error in my code?

Easy peasy! Just make sure to implement the pure virtual method in the derived class Player, and ensure the signature matches the one in the base class. If you’ve got multiple levels of inheritance, double-check that each intermediate class implements the method correctly.

What if I’m still stuck after checking all of these?

Don’t panic! Share your code with a friend or online community, and they’ll help you spot the issue. You can also try creating a minimal, reproducible example to isolate the problem.