How Can I Add a String on a PDF File with Shipping Label Layout Using Python?
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How Can I Add a String on a PDF File with Shipping Label Layout Using Python?

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Are you tired of manually adding strings to your PDF files with shipping label layouts? Do you want to automate this process using Python? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to do it. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the coding part, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python 3.x (we’ll be using Python 3.9 in this tutorial)
  • pip (the package installer for Python)
  • {@font-face font-family:”Calibri”; }FPDF Library (we’ll install this using pip)

Once you have these installed, let’s move on to the next step!

Installing the FPDF Library

To install the FPDF Library, open your terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

pip install fpdf

This might take a few seconds to install. Once it’s done, you’re ready to start coding!

Creating a New Python Script

Open your favorite text editor or IDE and create a new Python script. Let’s call it ``. Add the following lines of code to get started:

import fpdf

# Create a new PDF object
pdf = fpdf.FPDF()

# Add a page to the PDF

# Set the font for the string
pdf.set_font("Arial", size = 15)

# Save the PDF with a filename

This code creates a new PDF object, adds a page to it, sets the font for the string, and saves the PDF with a filename. But we’re not done yet!

Adding a String to the PDF

To add a string to the PDF, we’ll use the `cell` method provided by the FPDF Library. This method takes three arguments: the width of the cell, the height of the cell, and the string to be added. Let’s add the following code:

import fpdf

# Create a new PDF object
pdf = fpdf.FPDF()

# Add a page to the PDF

# Set the font for the string
pdf.set_font("Arial", size = 15)

# Set the string to be added
string_to_add = "Shipping Label: Order #1234"

# Add the string to the PDF
pdf.cell(200, 10, txt = string_to_add, ln = True, align = 'C')

# Save the PDF with a filename

In this code, we’ve added a string to the PDF using the `cell` method. The `txt` argument specifies the string to be added, the `ln` argument specifies whether to move to the next line after adding the string, and the `align` argument specifies the alignment of the string.

Customizing the Shipping Label Layout

So far, we’ve added a string to the PDF, but it’s not exactly a shipping label layout yet. To customize the layout, we’ll need to add more code. Let’s create a table with the shipping label information:

import fpdf

# Create a new PDF object
pdf = fpdf.FPDF()

# Add a page to the PDF

# Set the font for the string
pdf.set_font("Arial", size = 12)

# Set the string to be added
string_to_add = "Shipping Label: Order #1234"

# Add the string to the PDF
pdf.cell(200, 10, txt = string_to_add, ln = True, align = 'C')

# Set the shipping label information
shipping_label_info = [
  ["Company Name", "John Doe"],
  ["Address", "123 Main St"],
  ["City, State, ZIP", "Anytown, CA 12345"],
  ["Package Weight", "2 lbs 3 oz"],
  ["Shipping Method", "USPS Priority Mail"]

# Set the column widths
column_widths = [100, 90]

# Add the table to the PDF
for row in shipping_label_info:
  for i, column in enumerate(row):
    pdf.cell(column_widths[i], 10, txt = column, border = 1, align = 'L')

# Save the PDF with a filename

In this code, we’ve created a table with the shipping label information using a list of lists. We’ve also set the column widths and added the table to the PDF using a loop.

Adding a Barcode to the Shipping Label

To add a barcode to the shipping label, we’ll use the `barcode` method provided by the FPDF Library. This method takes two arguments: the barcode type and the barcode data. Let’s add the following code:

import fpdf

# Create a new PDF object
pdf = fpdf.FPDF()

# Add a page to the PDF

# Set the font for the string
pdf.set_font("Arial", size = 12)

# Set the string to be added
string_to_add = "Shipping Label: Order #1234"

# Add the string to the PDF
pdf.cell(200, 10, txt = string_to_add, ln = True, align = 'C')

# Set the shipping label information
shipping_label_info = [
  ["Company Name", "John Doe"],
  ["Address", "123 Main St"],
  ["City, State, ZIP", "Anytown, CA 12345"],
  ["Package Weight", "2 lbs 3 oz"],
  ["Shipping Method", "USPS Priority Mail"]

# Set the column widths
column_widths = [100, 90]

# Add the table to the PDF
for row in shipping_label_info:
  for i, column in enumerate(row):
    pdf.cell(column_widths[i], 10, txt = column, border = 1, align = 'L')

# Set the barcode data
barcode_data = "1234567890"

# Add the barcode to the PDF
pdf.barcode(barcode_data, x = 10, y = 100, w = 150, h = 50, t = 1, f = "C128")

# Save the PDF with a filename

In this code, we’ve added a barcode to the shipping label using the `barcode` method. The `x` and `y` arguments specify the position of the barcode, the `w` and `h` arguments specify the size of the barcode, and the `t` argument specifies the barcode type.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully added a string to a PDF file with a shipping label layout using Python. You can customize the code to fit your specific needs and add more features to the shipping label.

Remember to experiment with different fonts, font sizes, and layouts to create a unique shipping label design. You can also add more tables, images, and barcodes to the PDF to make it more informative.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your creations with the world!

Keyword Count
How can I add a string on pdf file with shipping label layout using python? 7
Python 10
FPDF Library 5
Shipping label layout 3
Barcode 2
PDF file 4

This article has been optimized for the keyword “How can I add a string on pdf file with shipping label layout using python?” and related keywords. The keyword count is as follows:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of manually adding strings to your PDF files with shipping label layouts? Fear not, dear Python enthusiast! We’ve got you covered. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you achieve this feat using Python.

Q: What Python library should I use to add a string to a PDF file with a shipping label layout?

You can use the PyPDF2 library to read and write PDF files, and the ReportLab library to generate PDFs with custom layouts. However, for adding a string to an existing PDF, we recommend using the pdfrw library, which provides an easy-to-use interface for modifying PDFs.

Q: How do I specify the exact location of the string on the shipping label layout?

You can use the pdfrw library’s anmeld function to specify the coordinates where you want to add the string. For example, if you want to add the string “Priority Shipping” at the top-left corner of the label, you can use anmeld(page=0, x=10, y=750, text=”Priority Shipping”). Adjust the x and y coordinates to position the string as needed.

Q: Can I use a font other than the default font when adding the string to the PDF?

Yes, you can! The pdfrw library allows you to specify a font when adding a string. For example, you can use the Font class from the ReportLab library to create a font object, and then pass it to the anmeld function. For instance, font = Font(‘Helvetica-Bold’, 12) and then anmeld(page=0, x=10, y=750, text=”Priority Shipping”, font=font).

Q: How do I save the modified PDF with the added string?

After modifying the PDF using the pdfrw library, you can save the changes by calling the write method on the PdfReader object. For example, reader.write(“output.pdf”) will save the modified PDF to a file named “output.pdf”. Make sure to replace “output.pdf” with the desired file name and path!

Q: Can I automate the process of adding strings to multiple PDF files with shipping label layouts?

Absolutely! You can write a Python script that loops through a list of PDF files, adds the desired string to each file, and saves the modified PDFs to a new location. You can even use Python’s os and glob modules to iterate through a directory of PDF files. Just remember to adjust the script to fit your specific needs!

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